Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ask and Expert Widget

Roundtable hosted by Jonathan Davis - Auburn University

Several states have already implemented this on their web site by county. There has to be at least one person managing it so that if a question does not get answered in 48 hours, it is reassigned to some one else.
Alabama has questions go to the county OP and they route the questions to the appropriate agent.
Most use it similar to a phone call, just another way to get the call.
Agents have to sign up to be sent questions.
Ohio State is using wranglers to send the question out to the agent.
A selling point is when a question is answered, it is stored in the master database and you can modify it to fit your direct question.
Need to train agents about eXtension as well. Then train them about the widget.
Texas has all of their agent training documents and videos on their web site They are available to be taken and modified by anyone. Don't re-invent the wheel.

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