Monday, April 7, 2008


What can I say about the most wonderful family a guy could ever imagine. My wife of almost 35 years puts up with my eccentricities and still keeps hanging on to me. My son and daughter are now grown and both have turned out to be the kind of people I am proud to call my children.
Over the years, my wife has had to almost raise our kids as my previous business kept me on the road a lot and out overnight for many weeks. I have done this for a lot of the years that they were growing up - middle and high school anyway. She has not complained - much - and our children turned out ok, so I owe her a lot for that.
Our son is married and though no grand child is on the way (Ahem - if you are reading this!!) and we don't get to see them as much as we would like, we call back and forth a lot and keep in touch that way.
Our daughter lives with us and will graduate from the University in a little over a month. She is the proud mom of the little guy that I have written about already. She has applied and has been offered a job which is in her field and she is very excited about getting to use her degree doing something she likes.
My job keeps me on the road more than I would like, but it is doing something I know well and from what my clients say, I do a decent enough job at it. I drive quite a bit since the area I cover is about 160 x 200 sq miles. I usually don't have to spend any overnights, but on the occasions I do, I usually get a call from my grandson with the little teary voice asking "Grampa, will you put me to bed tonight?" It is enough to make sure I limit my nights out, that's for sure.
There you have it. Just a touch about the ones I love.

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