Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Breakout 7 . computers in their pockets

Computers in their pockets : how mobile devices are changing extension

Dr Jeanne Gleason

how to get this past the administration
research done on this project
monthly surveys

how to fund this
got the best unit available, case, apps and files.
preload subject matter
full 6 hr training required to get the ipad

went thru each preinstalled apps. paper had tips on default apps.

tech support team is a priority
3 types of users
its a fun toy
it supplements work
it is the NEW computer

apps that are used most
web surf / research

remote access to desktop is popular
classroom packs of 10 that can be loaned to offices

what did not work:
not as much sharing about things they like or don't
hoped for more video/photography
hoped for more use with clientele
they want to be spoon fed
they don't explore what is available before theyask for a new app

support never ends

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