Wednesday, May 23, 2012

CHECK 2012
Bridging the gap for mobile devices: eager adoption v. practical support.
emporia state univ
Cory Falldine
full support for univ owned
limited support for personally owned
completely overwhelming

mobile support strategy:
mobile access to primary systems/services
build support structure around MOST POPULAR mobile os
set gudelines to fis new devices (template)
make information available to guide

write it down:
what services need to be available
what services can we make available right now
which os can be supported for each service right now

overview includes
what constitutes a  mobile device
contracts (3g)
security & encrption ( stolen/lost)
personal vs businwss use
classroom & checkout use

apple os device gudelines
mobile contracts
setting up itunes acct
downloading/purchasing apps (vpp or unreimbursed)
configuring device (lab classroom checkout)
syncing/backing up

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